“Frotox,” also referred to as a cryo facial, which utilises a similar concept as a cold bath. This treatment is performed with the aid of targeted cryotherapy. The most important ingredient for a healthy skin is collagen, and it is responsible for the skin’s youthful look. In addition to boosting collagen production, cryotherapy actively smooths out the skin and makes it more supple and firm. As a result, blood flow increases, toxins are flushed out, and facial tissue is rejuvenated.
The results of cryotherapy treatments include a more even skin tone and improved elasticity.
- 60 mins
This treatment is known as “Frotox,” or “CryoFacial.”. This facial involves the use of cryogenic treatment to specifically target areas.
The blood flow is increased, toxins are eliminated, and facial tissue is rejuvenated.
- Reduces Signs of Ageing
- Evens Skin Tone
- Improve Skin Texture
- Increase Blood Circulation
- Mimics the Effects of Anti Wrinkle Injections
- Increases Skin Radiance
- Boosts Natural Production of Hyaluronic Acid in the Skin
Evens Skin Tone
Glow + Vibrancy
Improves Texture
MediLux LED
Esthemax Jelly Mask
Enzyme Exfoliation
Whole Body Cryotherapy
Vasodilation occurs when the body sends heat to the affected tissues by expanding blood vessels, which expand about four times their normal diameter. The treatment area is flooded with oxygenated fresh blood, which contains beneficial hormones, nutrients, and neurotransmitters. At the same time, the lymphatic system gets rid of accumulated waste products and toxins.
In order to achieve the best results, the goal is for the tissues in the area to receive everything they need to completely restore and rejuvenate, at the same time eliminating harmful, damaging waste products. The base (bottom) layer is then regenerated in order to restore collagen and elastin while preventing the skin from losing hydration. This allows thinning, aging skin to repair itself. This procedure results in skin that appears tighter and smoother.
Have a particular area of concern? Book a free consultation and have a trained CryoCare therapist assist you with mapping out the best treatment plan for your goals.
It’s time to gently boost your body’s natural ability to regenerate at a cellular level!