Far, middle and near-infrared wavelengths are all part of the broad infrared healing wavelength spectrum and benefits of infrared saunas.
Infrared is so safe it is regularly used in hospitals to keep newborn babies warm. Infrared and infrared saunas have been researched and studied for decades. Doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists use infrared every day in clinics and hospitals worldwide to ameliorate pain, heal skin conditions, increase flexibility and generally help heal the body.
- 30-60 mins
Infrared saunas also help with:
- Detoxification
- Stress and fatigue
- Muscle aches, arthritis, and joint relief
- Weight loss and calorie burning
- Increased metabolism
- Immune system support
- Skin conditions
- Heart health
- Appearance of cellulite
- Diabetes support
Muscle Recovery
Pain Relieving
Lymphatic Drainage
Toxin Removal
Esthemax Jelly Mask
Mini Frotox Treatment
MediLux LED
Whole Body Cryotherapy
Athletes and non-athletes alike can benefit from regular NormaTec compression boots. Three different types of massages are used in the boots in order to speed up the body’s natural recovery process.
NormaTec compression therapy should be used for at least 30 minutes to ensure maximum benefit.
Compression therapy is performed by placing a device around your arms or legs over the affected area for a period of time. During the session you will feel like a very tight squeeze working its way up the chambers of the device you have selected. As it soothes your sore and tired muscles, it feels like a very relaxing massage.
The benefits of this product will be obvious to anyone who exercises a lot with their legs, such as running, cycling, swimming, going to the gym, playing football or CrossFit. Also anyone who spends a great deal of time at a desk or walking around will benefit. The massage is also extremely relaxing!
NormaTec is recommended after a heavy training session, or after you have been on your feet all day long. It is possible to use NormaTec on a daily basis, or whenever it suits your schedule.
Choosing clothes that fit closely and are comfortable is the best option. Clothing that is too loose can bunch and feel uncomfortable as the device compresses.
Have a particular area of concern? Book a free consultation and have a trained CryoCare therapist assist you with mapping out the best treatment plan for your goals.
It’s time to gently boost your body’s natural ability to regenerate at a cellular level!